Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Am a Work Whore, Apparently.

Wow.  After all my bitching last post about how much I absolutly detest my
new shitty-corporate-hellhole-chain-restaurant gig...
I actually had a good day at work today!
(Why hello there Karma, I am your bitch.)
For starters, I woke up extra early today (which like, never happens)
(I am not happy Baby in the morning, teeeeeeeerust.)
& got myself a hazelnut coffee & an everything bagel with jalepeno cream cheese
from Brueggers & took my time getting ready.
(mmmm, how Lovely.)

Then I got to shitty-corporate-hellhole-chain-restaurant
& realized I was opening with my favorite co-worker, Jared.
(which, also, like never happens.)

See, the thing about male severs is this:
off the bat 90% of them are gay*
out of the other 10%...
5% are in serious denial of their homosexuality
and the other 5% are really & truely straight.
However, out of those straight men..
Half are known to have homosexual tendencies
& the other half act overtly obnoxious & macho to make they're straightness
perfectly clear.

My co-worker Jared happens to fall into the 2.5% of male servers who could go either way.
Hetero? Homo? Who knows..?
I sure didn't.
But alas, Jared does indeed have a girlfriend.
(Mystery solved!)

Straight as a pole ladies & gentlemen..
And so he is by far my favorite co-worker.
No meathead/macho/asshole tendencies to speak of
unlike the rest of my straight male co-workers.
(Actually, unlike most of the males in my life. Period.)

So, we set up the Res and he called me "Darling" & "Babe" & "Sweetie"
and I smiled because he's a-freakin-dorable.
And then he invited me to a party his frat is throwing next weekend
and I said, "Yes" because I adore him so.

Shortly after I realized I'd be working with WorkCrush as well!
(eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk! *giggles & blushes excessivley*)
(Yes, I promise I am an adult. Not a 5 year old girl.)

WorkCrush is seriously HOT.
Smokin' in fact.
Tall, dirty blonde & all american surfer boy looks.
However, of course
He is taken as well.

Whatever. Minor detail.
I still flirt like crazy. (Natch.)  And to my shock & dismay, he keeps right up with me!
(Why I do not know?  But, eff it. I'll just keep on going with it!)
And that definetly makes my day a little more enjoyable.

So, even though I only had four tables...
and my tips were seriously lame.
(I walked with $25 after tipping out the cashier & hosts)
Just a little bit of male attention
made my whole day 100 times more enjoyable.

How freakin' typical.

*Claims not based on any facts whatsoever.  Just the personal experiences and observations of a part time waitress.  We here at Sex in San Diego do not promote or endorse stereotyping of any kind.  Unless it makes us giggle, of course.


megabrooke said...

when i waited tables, i loved the flirty banter that went on in the restaurant. it was seriously the highlight of the shift.

Baby said...

i agree! it def gets me threw those days when all i wanna do is purposely spill drinks on people.